Access Natural Healing ~Holistic Health Centre~
This blog has information on Alternatives to Conventional Medicine, natural medicine, homeopathy vancouver, Homeoprophylaxis, Homeopathic Immunizations, and holistic health practitioners
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Did you know that reliable
public health records from around the world have been examined by several medical
experts to see what impact, if any, homeopathy had during the deadly epidemics
of the past?

The main findings of this research: when homeopathy was employed during these deadly events, mortality rates were routinely very low. This constancy remains regardless of the homeopathic physician, time, place or type of epidemical disease, including diseases carrying a very high mortality rate, such as cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, typhoid fever, yellow fever, influenza and pneumonia.
Let’s look at an example...
Do you know which epidemic was humankinds’ most deadly?
The Great Flu Pandemic of 1918-19. It’s estimated that more than 50 million people died during that epidemic – the vast majority from flu complicated with pneumonia.
Fifty million…and once a person became infected – death often came swiftly... (see this brief PBS video to see more: PBS video on flu pandemic)
Yet, patients in the care of homeopaths during this epidemic fared dramatically better than those treated by ordinary physicians.
Many skeptics of homeopathy claim the only reason homeopathic physicians did so well and had such remarkably low mortality rates during the Great Pandemic of 1918-19 was because they did no harm...that they gave “placebo drugs” - and did not prescribe aspirin as ordinary physicians did.
Simply put, their claim is this: homeopaths used only expectancy or the “expectant method”to cure. In the view of skeptics - patients treated by homeopaths were not given medications of any therapeutic value or submitted to any “active” treatment, such as bleeding, cauterization or cupping. Any cures therefore had to be due "to natural forces" only.
Interestingly - based on this claim - many ordinary medical doctors in the late 1800s, having witnessed the remarkable results produced by homeopaths with pneumonia patients, tried the “expectant method” (ie, nursing care only plus waiting and watching) with patients suffering from pneumonia. The result - their patients continued to suffer death rates of between 14% and 30% - results slightly better to the same as those achieved using the ordinary active medical treatments of the day.
So let’s get back to the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918-19...
During that crisis, the chance of surviving the flu complicated with pneumonia – the condition that killed 50 million people - was 148 (surviving) to 1 (death) for patients working with a homeopath.
The odds of surviving if one worked with an ordinary medical doctor?
Just 16-1.
And it was found that pregnant women were particularly vulnerable to harm during the Pandemic. What were their odds of surviving.
Public health records show the odds for pregnant women of surviving flu complicated with pneumonia during this crisis were 135 to 1 under homeopathy and just 2 to 1 under ordinary care. Pregnant women were 41 times more likely to die if their care was provided by an ordinary physician.
If you would like to learn how you can use homeopathy to treat family members with symptoms of the flu - read more here: homeopathy for treating symptoms of the flu. If you would be interested to learn more about these statistics – and the remarkable record of homeopathy – you can read more here: Homeopathy and deadly epidemics.
*James Rogers. On the Present State of Therapeutics, with Some Suggestions for Placing It Upon a More Scientific Basis. London: John Churchill and Sons, 1870, 180.
*Jules Le Beuf. Étude critique sur l’expectation. Paris: Adrien Delahaye, 1870, 22.
*Ibid., 33.
*Ibid., 37.
*Arthur Mitchell. Contribution to the statistics of pneumonia. Edinburgh Medical Journal 1857; 3: 398-406.
*Eldridge C. Price. Therapeutic efficiency in the treatment of epidemic influenza. Hahnemannian Monthly 1919; 54: 721-739.
*John Hutchinson. Prescrition factors. Discussion: Influenza: a favoable mortality and publicity. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1919-1920; 12: 807-813.
*Lewis P. Crutcher. Now is the time. Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy 1919; 30: 274- 275.
*W. F. Edmunson. Discussion: Influenza: a favorable mortality and publicity. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1919-1920; 12: 598.
*Eli G. Jones. Some interesting facts. Homoeopathic Recorder 1919; 34: 11-15.
*John C. Calhoun. A “flu” experience. Hahnemannian Monthly 1919; 54: 738-739.
*Crawford R. Green. The treatment of Influenza in children. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1919-1920; 12: 1102-1112.
*E. E. Vaughan. Clinical comment of influenza. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1918-1919; 11: 682-684.
About Dr. Lisa Samet:
Dr. Lisa Samet N.D. She's a naturopathic physician who specializes in homeopathic medicine and she's a partner with Dr. Andre Saine N.D. She is perhaps best known as a guest expert on homeopathy used by Dr. Mehmet Oz M.D. on the popular TV program - the Dr. Oz Show. Dr. Samet graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1998 and has been practicing in Montreal since then. She was born and raised in New York.

The main findings of this research: when homeopathy was employed during these deadly events, mortality rates were routinely very low. This constancy remains regardless of the homeopathic physician, time, place or type of epidemical disease, including diseases carrying a very high mortality rate, such as cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, typhoid fever, yellow fever, influenza and pneumonia.
Let’s look at an example...
Do you know which epidemic was humankinds’ most deadly?
The Great Flu Pandemic of 1918-19. It’s estimated that more than 50 million people died during that epidemic – the vast majority from flu complicated with pneumonia.
Fifty million…and once a person became infected – death often came swiftly... (see this brief PBS video to see more: PBS video on flu pandemic)
Yet, patients in the care of homeopaths during this epidemic fared dramatically better than those treated by ordinary physicians.
- Mortality rates for flu patients working with a homeopath averaged 0.70%. For those patients suffering with flu complicated by pneumonia – the death rate averaged 3.4% or less.
- The mortality rate for patients with the flu in the care of ordinary medical doctors averaged 6%, and for those with flu complicated by pneumonia – between 25% and 30%.
Many skeptics of homeopathy claim the only reason homeopathic physicians did so well and had such remarkably low mortality rates during the Great Pandemic of 1918-19 was because they did no harm...that they gave “placebo drugs” - and did not prescribe aspirin as ordinary physicians did.
Simply put, their claim is this: homeopaths used only expectancy or the “expectant method”to cure. In the view of skeptics - patients treated by homeopaths were not given medications of any therapeutic value or submitted to any “active” treatment, such as bleeding, cauterization or cupping. Any cures therefore had to be due "to natural forces" only.
Interestingly - based on this claim - many ordinary medical doctors in the late 1800s, having witnessed the remarkable results produced by homeopaths with pneumonia patients, tried the “expectant method” (ie, nursing care only plus waiting and watching) with patients suffering from pneumonia. The result - their patients continued to suffer death rates of between 14% and 30% - results slightly better to the same as those achieved using the ordinary active medical treatments of the day.
So let’s get back to the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918-19...
During that crisis, the chance of surviving the flu complicated with pneumonia – the condition that killed 50 million people - was 148 (surviving) to 1 (death) for patients working with a homeopath.
The odds of surviving if one worked with an ordinary medical doctor?
Just 16-1.
And it was found that pregnant women were particularly vulnerable to harm during the Pandemic. What were their odds of surviving.
Public health records show the odds for pregnant women of surviving flu complicated with pneumonia during this crisis were 135 to 1 under homeopathy and just 2 to 1 under ordinary care. Pregnant women were 41 times more likely to die if their care was provided by an ordinary physician.
If you would like to learn how you can use homeopathy to treat family members with symptoms of the flu - read more here: homeopathy for treating symptoms of the flu. If you would be interested to learn more about these statistics – and the remarkable record of homeopathy – you can read more here: Homeopathy and deadly epidemics.
*James Rogers. On the Present State of Therapeutics, with Some Suggestions for Placing It Upon a More Scientific Basis. London: John Churchill and Sons, 1870, 180.
*Jules Le Beuf. Étude critique sur l’expectation. Paris: Adrien Delahaye, 1870, 22.
*Ibid., 33.
*Ibid., 37.
*Arthur Mitchell. Contribution to the statistics of pneumonia. Edinburgh Medical Journal 1857; 3: 398-406.
*Eldridge C. Price. Therapeutic efficiency in the treatment of epidemic influenza. Hahnemannian Monthly 1919; 54: 721-739.
*John Hutchinson. Prescrition factors. Discussion: Influenza: a favoable mortality and publicity. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1919-1920; 12: 807-813.
*Lewis P. Crutcher. Now is the time. Pacific Coast Journal of Homoeopathy 1919; 30: 274- 275.
*W. F. Edmunson. Discussion: Influenza: a favorable mortality and publicity. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1919-1920; 12: 598.
*Eli G. Jones. Some interesting facts. Homoeopathic Recorder 1919; 34: 11-15.
*John C. Calhoun. A “flu” experience. Hahnemannian Monthly 1919; 54: 738-739.
*Crawford R. Green. The treatment of Influenza in children. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1919-1920; 12: 1102-1112.
*E. E. Vaughan. Clinical comment of influenza. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1918-1919; 11: 682-684.
About Dr. Lisa Samet:
Dr. Lisa Samet N.D. She's a naturopathic physician who specializes in homeopathic medicine and she's a partner with Dr. Andre Saine N.D. She is perhaps best known as a guest expert on homeopathy used by Dr. Mehmet Oz M.D. on the popular TV program - the Dr. Oz Show. Dr. Samet graduated from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1998 and has been practicing in Montreal since then. She was born and raised in New York.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Effectiveness of homoeopathic therapeutics in the management of childhood autism disorder
Materials and Methods:
Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy / Vol. 8 / Issue 3 / Jul-Sep 2014. 147
Effectiveness of homoeopathic therapeutics in the management of childhood autism disorder
Praful M. Barvalia, Piyush M. Oza, Amit H. Daftary, Vijaya S. Patil,
Praful M. Barvalia, Piyush M. Oza, Amit H. Daftary, Vijaya S. Patil,
Vinita S. Agarwal 1, Ashish R. Mehta 2
Background and Objectives:
Childhood autism is severe and a serious disorder. Astudy was conducted by Spandan holistic institute of applied Homoeopathy, Mumbai,with the objective of demonstrating the usefulness of homeopathic management in autism.
Materials and Methods:
Sixty autistic children of both sexes, ≤12 years were selected for this study. It was nonrandomized, self‑controlled, pre and post‑intervention study, wherein the initial 6 months of observation period was used as the control period and the same patients were thereafter treated for 1 year and compared with post‑intervention findings.
The study demonstrated significant improvement of autistic features with mean change in ATEC score (ATEC1‑pre‑treatment with ATEC 5‑post‑treatment) was 15.12 and ATEC mean percent change was 19.03. Statistically significant changes in ATEC scores were observed in all the quarters analyzed through repeated measures ANOVA, with F‑value 135.952, P=0.0001. An impact was observed on all core autistic features, which included communication, 12.61%, socialization, 17%,
sensory awareness, 18.82%, and health and behavior, 29% (P=0.0001). Significant improvement was observed in behavior by Autistic Hyperactivity Scale, AHS 1 36 to AHS 5 14.30 with F‑value 210.599 (P=0.0001). Outcome assessment was carried out using MANOVA, which showed statistically significant changes in post‑treatment scores, P & lt; 0.005. Total 88.34% cases showed improvement, 8.33% showed status quo, and 3.33% cases worsened. Nine out of 60 cases showed a reversal of CARS putting them into non‑autistic zone, P = 0.0001. A sharp decrease
(34%) in ATEC scores, in the first quarter implied positive effect of homoeopathic medicines, prescribed, as per the homoeopathic principles.
The study has demonstrated usefulness of homoeopathic treatment in management of neuropsychological dysfunction in childhood autism disorder, which is reflected in significant reduction of hyperactivity, behavioral dysfunction, sensory impairment as well as communication difficulty. This was demonstrated well in psychosocial adaptation of autistic children.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Homeoprophylaxis aka "Alternative to Vaccines or Homeopathic Vaccines" as CBC Marketplace would describe it as!
Dearest Clients,
Sometime this year I received a call from a young mother expressing concerns about
the safety of vaccines for her baby and asking if she and another woman (I forget
what she said their relation was) could come in and talk to me about homeopathic
alternatives (CBC's fake client). This is a common request from (especially
educated) parents, aware of media stories of vaccine damage as well as the myopic
perspective of mainstream medicine for whom there are no alternatives, no
accommodations, no individualizing of vaccination schedules. For this, I offer a
"Free Information Session" until they decide to come in for the First Consultation
appointment so that they know I will not be offering any therapeutic advice during
this information session.
People who come to talk to me about vaccination concerns and seeking information
about alternatives are presented with a nuanced discussion. I cannot ignore the
plethora of requests for information and I believe it is against my code of ethics
as a health practitioner (See ethics on Beneficence vs. NonMaleficence) to not offer
the information which I am an expert on (homeopathy). I end these discussions with
the advice that the parents go home, think, read, research, talk, and then let me
know the ways that I can best support their child’s health and wellbeing, no matter
what decision they make in the end: full vaccination, no vaccination, partial
This was exactly the sort of conversation I had with CBC's fake client. The fake was
not actually a concerned mother, but a reporter for CBC Marketplace who came into my
clinic (with maybe a fake baby and friend) under false pretenses, and then proceeded
to clandestinely tape and film our meeting for the purpose of “undercover”
journalism in preparation for an upcoming episode on CBC Marketplace on vaccination
alternatives. The ethical issues involved in this approach are extraordinary, and I
think it important that all Canadians know the sordid activities of their public
broadcaster. The extraordinary thing is that the CBC’s own regulations on
clandestine reporting suggest that it is allowed only in situations in which there
is “antisocial” behavior, “abuse of trust”, or there is no other way to get the
information needed. I am not sure which of these descriptors cover the visit to my
office, but certainly, the homeopathic community has been fully forthcoming in
offering Marketplace information on homeoprophylaxis without any secret high jinx
For some of my clients, the bully tactics of my patient-in-disguise did not end
there. Upon leaving, “the fake” asked for a nosode remedy to protect her baby
against measles while she and her husband were making their decision about
vaccination; she told them they would be travelling to an area where there had
recently been a measles outbreak and they were concerned about exposure. Of course
they helped her – this is what homeopaths do. It turns out that Marketplace then
made a formal complaint to Health Canada about the labeling of the remedy(ies) that
had dispensed (the ONLY complaints made to Health Canada regarding homeopathic
treatments ever made as far as I know). Unfortunately, “the fake” and their team
didn’t do their research and were unaware of the regulations that cover homeopathic
practitioners. Needless to say, Health Canada found the complaints spurious and
dismissed them, assuring the homeopaths that they were practicing well within
regulatory norms. I might add, that Health Canada has conferred a DIN-HM number on
many nosodes plus over 6000 different remedies, giving them a “seal of approval” as
it were. There is no salacious story here, no matter how Marketplace frames it.
So it turns out that the Marketplace episode on vaccines will be aired tonight on
CBC. If you watch the program, please know the producers have a strong bias against
homeopathy -- and are likely to present homeopaths as luring parents away from
vaccination. The illicitly filmed segments of myself and the other homeopaths
similarly witch-hunted are most assuredly small excerpts of much more complex
conversations, taken out of context and presented without any of the other
information offered.
Perhaps this offers a good opportunity for people to speak up for homeopathy and to
speak up for free choice in making decisions about the health decisions we make. If
you are invested in the vaccine issue you can go online to CBC Marketplace's site
( ) for the episode entitled "Vaccines: Shot of Confusion" and
post about your experiences, and share your decision making process around this
issue. It is important that homeopaths do not allow themselves to be pushed into the
closet because of the bully pulpit of media shows such as CBC Marketplace. Speak up
– let them know what you think.
If you would like any other resources to refer to, please feel free to refer to
for research and other publications on homoepathy and homeoprophylaxis from around
the world.
Sometime this year I received a call from a young mother expressing concerns about
the safety of vaccines for her baby and asking if she and another woman (I forget
what she said their relation was) could come in and talk to me about homeopathic
alternatives (CBC's fake client). This is a common request from (especially
educated) parents, aware of media stories of vaccine damage as well as the myopic
perspective of mainstream medicine for whom there are no alternatives, no
accommodations, no individualizing of vaccination schedules. For this, I offer a
"Free Information Session" until they decide to come in for the First Consultation
appointment so that they know I will not be offering any therapeutic advice during
this information session.
People who come to talk to me about vaccination concerns and seeking information
about alternatives are presented with a nuanced discussion. I cannot ignore the
plethora of requests for information and I believe it is against my code of ethics
as a health practitioner (See ethics on Beneficence vs. NonMaleficence) to not offer
the information which I am an expert on (homeopathy). I end these discussions with
the advice that the parents go home, think, read, research, talk, and then let me
know the ways that I can best support their child’s health and wellbeing, no matter
what decision they make in the end: full vaccination, no vaccination, partial
This was exactly the sort of conversation I had with CBC's fake client. The fake was
not actually a concerned mother, but a reporter for CBC Marketplace who came into my
clinic (with maybe a fake baby and friend) under false pretenses, and then proceeded
to clandestinely tape and film our meeting for the purpose of “undercover”
journalism in preparation for an upcoming episode on CBC Marketplace on vaccination
alternatives. The ethical issues involved in this approach are extraordinary, and I
think it important that all Canadians know the sordid activities of their public
broadcaster. The extraordinary thing is that the CBC’s own regulations on
clandestine reporting suggest that it is allowed only in situations in which there
is “antisocial” behavior, “abuse of trust”, or there is no other way to get the
information needed. I am not sure which of these descriptors cover the visit to my
office, but certainly, the homeopathic community has been fully forthcoming in
offering Marketplace information on homeoprophylaxis without any secret high jinx
For some of my clients, the bully tactics of my patient-in-disguise did not end
there. Upon leaving, “the fake” asked for a nosode remedy to protect her baby
against measles while she and her husband were making their decision about
vaccination; she told them they would be travelling to an area where there had
recently been a measles outbreak and they were concerned about exposure. Of course
they helped her – this is what homeopaths do. It turns out that Marketplace then
made a formal complaint to Health Canada about the labeling of the remedy(ies) that
had dispensed (the ONLY complaints made to Health Canada regarding homeopathic
treatments ever made as far as I know). Unfortunately, “the fake” and their team
didn’t do their research and were unaware of the regulations that cover homeopathic
practitioners. Needless to say, Health Canada found the complaints spurious and
dismissed them, assuring the homeopaths that they were practicing well within
regulatory norms. I might add, that Health Canada has conferred a DIN-HM number on
many nosodes plus over 6000 different remedies, giving them a “seal of approval” as
it were. There is no salacious story here, no matter how Marketplace frames it.
So it turns out that the Marketplace episode on vaccines will be aired tonight on
CBC. If you watch the program, please know the producers have a strong bias against
homeopathy -- and are likely to present homeopaths as luring parents away from
vaccination. The illicitly filmed segments of myself and the other homeopaths
similarly witch-hunted are most assuredly small excerpts of much more complex
conversations, taken out of context and presented without any of the other
information offered.
Perhaps this offers a good opportunity for people to speak up for homeopathy and to
speak up for free choice in making decisions about the health decisions we make. If
you are invested in the vaccine issue you can go online to CBC Marketplace's site
( ) for the episode entitled "Vaccines: Shot of Confusion" and
post about your experiences, and share your decision making process around this
issue. It is important that homeopaths do not allow themselves to be pushed into the
closet because of the bully pulpit of media shows such as CBC Marketplace. Speak up
– let them know what you think.
If you would like any other resources to refer to, please feel free to refer to
for research and other publications on homoepathy and homeoprophylaxis from around
the world.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Homeoprophylaxis (What CBC's Marketplace is calling an alternative to vaccines)
Will CBC bring more attention to Homeoprophylaxis (what they’ll describe as an alternative to vaccines) than homeopaths can?!?
A few years ago, a journalist requested information on homeopathy for a show on CBC. I am a typical Canadian and so therefore I have a strong affinity for CBC.
I asked clearly to the organizers of the show that this would be a fair
and true representation of homeopathy. I know that it is easy to target
aspects of homeopathy because of its complex and unique principles of
healing. However, the producers of CBC’s Marketplace expressed
specifically and clearly that this would not be the way they would use
the information they gather. I met with them and they interviewed me at
my clinic. I also faithfully gave them a number for one of my clients
that had agreed she wouldn’t mind being interviewed. I printed out for
them a thick pile of many research reports that presented sound science
backing up many of the principles of healing used in the science of
homeopathy. That show which has repeated more times than any other
episode of CBC’s Marketplace ended up being truly blatantly biased and
absolutely NOT scientific. There was no mention of the scientific
reports that I and others had given to them.
When that episode was shown, there were many people who posted words of support and commitment to the option of homeopathy in the healing choices. The Marketplace website seemed to edit and only release a certain number of the responses. People writing in support of homeopathy reported that their posts had not been published. People wrote in to CBC’s producers, CBC’s Ombudsman, and the homeopathic community bonded over the outrage of this slander. This fall, CBC plans to release another show about an aspect of homeopathic practice known as homeoprophylaxis. Homeoprophylaxis is the use of homeopathic remedies in anticipation for prevention of a specific health concern. The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann
about using the principles of homeoprophylaxis back in 1798 in his
publication on Scarlet Fever called “The Cure and Prevention of Scarlet
Fever”, in ‘Lesser Writings’ (B.Jain Publishing. New Delhi. P.369ff).
using the homoeopathic remedy called Belladonna. He also refers to the
ways to conduct homeoprophylaxis in the Aphorisms number 100, 101, 102
and 241 of his written guide to homeopathy known as ‘The Organon’ first
published in 1810 (Hahnemann S. Organon of medicine. 6th Edn.
(Translated by William Boericke). New Delhi: B Jain Publishers, 1991).
The most contemporary uses of homeoprophylaxis are based on the science
conducted mostly by Dr. Isaac Golden
and Dr. G. Bracho.
Despite that currently there exists (and will continually be more of) quality research to demonstrate the effective use of homeopathy to address specific health concerns, CBC will attempt to convince you that there is none. Let me guide you to the BOX WIDGET on my blog
That is where you’ll be able to access homeopathic experts advice or writings by homeopathic experts. In the words of Merriam-Webster Dictionary (, an expert is defined as “having or showing special skill or knowledge because of what you have been taught or what you have experienced”. With this in mind, please QUESTION who CBC will refer to as ‘experts’ on topics of homeopathy.
Instead of truthfully facing the experts on homeopathy (myself and a known few of my colleagues) CBC Marketplace’s approach to get information from us was to plant a fake client into our private practice. A few months later, an email was sent to me stating that they had done this and would I do an interview them?
Instead they chose a mysterious random bunch of people…random
people who don’t know that you can NOT overdose on homeopathic remedies
– and that this is a GOOD thing BUT that it is IRRESPONSIBLE to try to
do your own ‘experiments’ on a form of medicine that you don’t have a
clue about.
Needless to say, I am NOT doing any kind of happy dance in anticipation of a new episode focussing on Homeoprophylaxis.
The tragic irony is that I have a feeling that CBC Marketplace’s blatant show of ignorance will be apparent to most critical thinkers that are their audience and those people will either look for more information to satisfy their curiosity OR they will stand stronger in their commitment to choices for health care options for Canadians. In case this is the place you’ve come to for more information, let me assure you that maintaining the homeopathy as a choice made available to us is more important than our regular freedoms of choice as it has to do with the most important aspect of our existence because as they say, ‘if we don’t have our health, what do we have?’ That is the essence of what drives most people to homeopathy. In ONE country alone there are over 100 million people using homeopathy ( Also keep in mind that the top two most debated topics on Wikipedia are Jesus and homeopathy
If you’ve seen the CBC Marketplace’s representation of homeopathy and would like to take part in some discussions about it, please keep in touch at
Sincerely Yours in Homeopathy
Elena Cecchetto (EL)
© 2014 Elena Cecchetto
A few years ago, a journalist requested information on homeopathy for a show on CBC. I am a typical Canadian and so therefore I have a strong affinity for CBC.

When that episode was shown, there were many people who posted words of support and commitment to the option of homeopathy in the healing choices. The Marketplace website seemed to edit and only release a certain number of the responses. People writing in support of homeopathy reported that their posts had not been published. People wrote in to CBC’s producers, CBC’s Ombudsman, and the homeopathic community bonded over the outrage of this slander. This fall, CBC plans to release another show about an aspect of homeopathic practice known as homeoprophylaxis. Homeoprophylaxis is the use of homeopathic remedies in anticipation for prevention of a specific health concern. The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann

Despite that currently there exists (and will continually be more of) quality research to demonstrate the effective use of homeopathy to address specific health concerns, CBC will attempt to convince you that there is none. Let me guide you to the BOX WIDGET on my blog
That is where you’ll be able to access homeopathic experts advice or writings by homeopathic experts. In the words of Merriam-Webster Dictionary (, an expert is defined as “having or showing special skill or knowledge because of what you have been taught or what you have experienced”. With this in mind, please QUESTION who CBC will refer to as ‘experts’ on topics of homeopathy.
Instead of truthfully facing the experts on homeopathy (myself and a known few of my colleagues) CBC Marketplace’s approach to get information from us was to plant a fake client into our private practice. A few months later, an email was sent to me stating that they had done this and would I do an interview them?

Needless to say, I am NOT doing any kind of happy dance in anticipation of a new episode focussing on Homeoprophylaxis.
The tragic irony is that I have a feeling that CBC Marketplace’s blatant show of ignorance will be apparent to most critical thinkers that are their audience and those people will either look for more information to satisfy their curiosity OR they will stand stronger in their commitment to choices for health care options for Canadians. In case this is the place you’ve come to for more information, let me assure you that maintaining the homeopathy as a choice made available to us is more important than our regular freedoms of choice as it has to do with the most important aspect of our existence because as they say, ‘if we don’t have our health, what do we have?’ That is the essence of what drives most people to homeopathy. In ONE country alone there are over 100 million people using homeopathy ( Also keep in mind that the top two most debated topics on Wikipedia are Jesus and homeopathy

If you’ve seen the CBC Marketplace’s representation of homeopathy and would like to take part in some discussions about it, please keep in touch at
Sincerely Yours in Homeopathy
Elena Cecchetto (EL)
© 2014 Elena Cecchetto
Monday, September 29, 2014
CBC's Marketplace and Homeopathy; The Real Truth
Will CBC bring more attention to Homeoprophylaxis (what they’ll describe as an alternative to vaccines) than homeopaths can?!?
A few years ago, a journalist requested information on homeopathy for a show on CBC. I am a typical Canadian and so therefore I have a strong affinity for CBC.When that episode was shown, there were many people who posted words of support and commitment to the option of homeopathy in the healing choices. The Marketplace website seemed to edit and only release a certain number of the responses. People writing in support of homeopathy reported that their posts had not been published. People wrote in to CBC’s producers, CBC’s Ombudsman, and the homeopathic community bonded over the outrage of this slander. This fall, CBC plans to release another show about an aspect of homeopathic practice known as homeoprophylaxis. Homeoprophylaxis is the use of homeopathic remedies in anticipation for prevention of a specific health concern. The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann
Despite that currently there exists (and will continually be more of) quality research to demonstrate the effective use of homeopathy to address specific health concerns, CBC will attempt to convince you that there is none. Let me guide you to the BOX WIDGET on my blog
That is where you’ll be able to access homeopathic experts advice or writings by homeopathic experts. In the words of Merriam-Webster Dictionary (, an expert is defined as “having or showing special skill or knowledge because of what you have been taught or what you have experienced”. With this in mind, please QUESTION who CBC will refer to as ‘experts’ on topics of homeopathy.
Instead of truthfully facing the experts on homeopathy (myself and a known few of my colleagues) CBC Marketplace’s approach to get information from us was to plant a fake client into our private practice. A few months later, an email was sent to me stating that they had done this and would I do an interview them?
Needless to say, I am NOT doing any kind of happy dance in anticipation of a new episode focussing on Homeoprophylaxis.
The tragic irony is that I have a feeling that CBC Marketplace’s blatant show of ignorance will be apparent to most critical thinkers that are their audience and those people will either look for more information to satisfy their curiosity OR they will stand stronger in their commitment to choices for health care options for Canadians. In case this is the place you’ve come to for more information, let me assure you that maintaining the homeopathy as a choice made available to us is more important than our regular freedoms of choice as it has to do with the most important aspect of our existence because as they say, ‘if we don’t have our health, what do we have?’ That is the essence of what drives most people to homeopathy. In ONE country alone there are over 100 million people using homeopathy ( Also keep in mind that the top two most debated topics on Wikipedia are Jesus and homeopathy
If you’ve seen the CBC Marketplace’s representation of homeopathy and would like to take part in some discussions about it, please keep in touch at
Sincerely Yours in Homeopathy
Elena Cecchetto (EL)
© 2014 Elena Cecchetto
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Your Homeopath; CEASE Certified since 2012
Elena Cecchetto
101-1416 Commercial DriveV5L 3X9 Vancouver
Phone: 604-568-4663
Elena Cecchetto is on the Advisory Board for the Council for Homeopathic Certification and on the founding board of Side by Side Homeopathy, who are helping people in the Downtown Eastside with their health concerns. Some of the common complaints she helps people to address include anxiety, PTSD, depression, migraines, digestion concerns, skin complaints and insomnia. As of 2012, El has been CEASE Therapy Certified; . In 2004 Elena Cecchetto was on the founding board of the Canadian Society of Homeopaths. In June of 2007 she presented at the BC Society of Homeopaths (BCSH) Case Conference. In September, 2009 the Health Action Network Society, requested a presentation of her "H.I.P." Homeopathic Program. She loves hearing back from new parents about getting the teething, colic, nursing issues, sleeping, coughing, and rashes successfully addressed with homeopathic care. Her focus on fertility and children have been supported by extra conferences with Dr. Sunil Anand and Louis Klein plus monthly case conference nights with Laurie Dack.
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