Monday, September 27, 2010

Homeopathic Immunization - Alternative to Vaccines?

International Research Demonstrating the Validity of Homoeoprophylaxis
Homoeoprophylaxis was first used by Dr Samuel Hahnemann in 1798 to prevent Scarlet Fever. It has been used in many countries since then to successfully immunise millions of people. This use has been well documented. However some question whether there is objective evidence that the method works (everyone agrees that it is non toxic). In recent years two pieces of evidence have emerged that will satisfy any objective person, although not of course people who have drawn conclusions based on conjecture, and refuse to study the material available.

The Brazilian Experience
In 1998 there was an outbreak of meningococcal meningitis in a region of Brazil. Many doctors in that country are also homeopaths. There was no vaccine available at the time, so a group of doctors who worked in the region used the meningococcal Nosode to immunize 65,826 children. Another 23,539 children in the region were not immunized. The doctors followed the two groups for 12 months. After 6 months the efficacy of homeoprophylaxis was 95%, and after 12 months was 91%. A complete and statistically rigorous report was published in a leading peer reviewed Homeopathic journal, and is available for study (see reference following).
Mroninski C, Adriano E, Mattos G (2001) Meningococcinum: Its protective effect against meningococcal disease. Homoeopathic Links Winter Vol 14(4); pp. 230-4.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I am officially 'Certified' by the Council for Homeopathic Certification! CCH √. Next set of letters = second year of "HMC" course starting next week.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Find a qualified Classical Homeopath

<a href =""> Homeopathy <a/ref>

Friday, September 10, 2010

Placenta Eating

Eating the placenta may replenish various nutrients (mostly iron) lost when giving birth. One recipe for placenta stew is

3/4 placenta
1 potato
4 table spoons fresh parsley
2 carrots
3 cellery
1 zucchini
1 tomato
1 onion
Chop up the Ingredients. Roll the placenta in a mix of one table spoon of flour, one teaspoon salt, a half teaspoon powered paprika, some ground clove, some ground pepper and 6-8 coriander seeds. Saute the placenta in two tablespoons oil, pour in the vegetables and about a litre of water. Allow to boil and then let simmer for an hour. Enjoy!
Warning - placenta may be odourous!

PS If you make your placenta into a homeopathic remedy, you can consume it at any time and you don't have to worry about taste or odour. It just looks adn taste like every other Homeopathic Remedy... a little sweet.

Eczema Homeopathy Article

I have experience using homeopathy for my eczema and have had amazing results. It inspired me to become a Homeopath and now I have had successes in treating eczema. Children respond really well and quickly to homeopathic remedies for eczema. Stop the problem before it diverges into more progressive problems such as asthma or other related chronic diseases.

The medical community has discovered there are specific patterns of diseases. As a Homeopath, the way I see it is that if you start as a child with a susceptibility to having skin issues such as eczema that there is a likelihood that you will develop other related diseases such as asthma or chronic bronchitis later in life. This only happens if the eczema is not appropriately healed in a way that it won't come back. Unfortunately, convention medicine's answer to eczema is cortisone which works by suppressing the natural immune response of your body.

When your system is trying to move through a problem, you may never know exactly what the core problem is. What we do know is that your body is designed to attempt to heal itself of the eczema or other skin problem. This is what symptoms are. Symptoms like a skin rash response is the expression that your body is giving to attempt to adjust through a problem. Some people say that eczema is related to liver problems, some say its an allergy, some say its a lack of certain important metals/elements in your body. Whichever it may be for you, homeopathy can make sure that its is dealt with at the core level of where the problem is. This way, there is a permanence to the results and you won't have to rely on specific creams, drugs, supplements or elimination of certain foods in your diet or exposure to certain substances.

Homeopathy is a very gentle and natural approach for eczema that supports your own body to move forward in the direction that it is attempting to accomplish towards healing itself.

Eczema Homeopathy - Give it a try as a good holistic option for eczema to help you find permanent results for eczema and other skin problems.

For more information on homoeopathy vancouver, drop in and see us at ~Access Natural Healing Centre~
It is the centre for homoeopathy in Vancouver and North Vancouver. Call 604-568-4663 or email
Call for free information on vancouver homoeopathy and find all the best homeopathy here and in North Vancouver.

Homeopathic Services - when you need a Professional Classical Homeopath with the letters DCH, CCH or HMC

Homeopathic Services - when you need a Professional Classical Homeopath with the letters DCH, CCH or HMC?

Recently at a presentation I was speaking at, it became very obvious what a confusing struggle it is to know when you've found the appropriate holistic practitioner for your specific health concern. In Vancouver, North Vancouver, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, East Vancouver, Burnaby and all of the Lower Mainland, this is a particularly challenging. The positive aspect of the fact that this is such a challenge in Vancouver is that there are many holistic practitioners to choose from.  There are many highly qualified Homeopaths, Naturopaths, TCM practitioners, TCM Doctors, Acupuncturists, Shiatsu, Craniosacral Therapists, Osteopaths, Reiki Masters etc... in Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. Within the different modalities to choose from, there are various levels of education. Usually this is indicated by the letters behind the practitioners' name.

When choosing a well educated and experienced Homeopath, look for the following letters: DCH, CCH and HMC. They will often be shown somewhat in this order. The significance of these letters is that they have received four years of up to date/contemporary education. That is what the DCH stands for (Diploma of Classical Homeopathy). I will define the significance of the term 'Classical Homeopath' in another article. The CCH signifies that the Homeopath has completed the Board exams for Certification as a Classical Homeopath that apply to all North American Homeopaths. The CCH letters are very important when looking for a properly trained Homeopath. CCH stands for Certified Classical Homeopath.

In the Vancouver area (specifically Bowen Island and West Vancouver), we are fortunate to have an upper level Homeopath and Professional Teacher, Louis Klein. Between the Vancouver Homeopathic Academy (DCH) with Murray Feldman and Louis Klein's Homeopathic Master Clinician  (HMC) courses, the Vancouver area is brimming with the best trained Homeopaths in North America. Louis Klein's HMC course is an excellent three year follow up to the Diploma years. After these seven years of focussed, professional training - a Classical Homeopath is well equipped to help you with any range of health concerns - even the ones that conventional medical doctors might not know how to address (undiagnosed).

Seek Homeopathic Treatment from a Classically trained, professional homeopath for any chronic or acute health concerns. At Access Natural Healing Centre, we have the highest calibre, professional Homeopaths to serve you and your families natural health care needs.

We offer homeopathic treatment for, but not limited to:

    * Allergies

    * Asthmatic Bronchitis

    * Headaches

    * Many psychological problems and disorders including Anxiety and Depression

    * Constipation

    * Diarrhea

    * Insomnia

    * Chronic Fatigue

    * Fibromyalgia

    * ADD

    * Autism

    * Weight Control

    * Menopausal symptoms

    * Chalazion

    * Eczema

    * Hepatitis-C

    * IBS

    * Psoriasis

    * Tonsillitis

    * Ulcerative Colitis

    * Urticaria

    * Vitiligo

Good luck and remember to research responsibly. The internet can be a great first start to your research but follow it up with grounding contact with a professional of your choice.
Elena Cecchetto ("El" for short) DCH, CCH (pending), HMC (pending)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Placenta Preservation: Make Homeopathic Remedies from your placenta& other birth products

Divine Placenta: Placenta Preservation

There are a variety of methods to preserve the sacred
placenta so that you have an incredible keepsake
to honour the place where love grew.

We create the placenta. It homes and feeds our
babies and we give birth to it. It has a sacred
connection to the child it nourishes for
months and for this reason it is treasured.

Access Natural Healing teamed with Placenta Encapsulators to
prepare your placenta for ingesting (also
known as placentophagy), burial or for
keepsake. Placenta contains estrogen and
progesterone, and by consuming it the placenta
restores hormone levels lost in childbirth. It has
been found to reduce hemorrhage and most
importantly it is known to help reduce the
possibility of postpartum depression.

You can preserve your placenta for postpartum and beyond.

Why have Homeopathic Remedies from your placenta & other birth products (colostrum, hind milk etc... )?
Preserve your placenta for life:
Helps women with:
post partum pains, depression, low milk supply and later on in life it helps women in menopause, dry eyes, and skin disorders

Given to the child, the Homeopathic Remedy made from the placenta can help that person with colic, indigestion, and problems with nursing. This information can be found in the book "Placenta: The Gift of Life. The role of the placenta in different cultures, and how to prepare and use it as medicine."