Friday, November 11, 2011

Sleeplessness Insomnia and Homoeopathy


 What is sleeplessness?
 Causes of sleeplessness
 Symptoms of sleeplessness
 Other ways to help

What is sleeplessness?
Sleeplessness is a disorder where sufferers find it hard to either fall asleep, or to stay asleep throughout the night. It is a common complaint and it’s thought that around a third of the population suffer with bouts of sleeplessness at times. Sleeplessness can last from two or three days to two or three years for chronic sufferers. More commonly though, sleeplessness usually lasts from between one and three weeks.

Human beings need sleep to rejuvenate their mind and body, so a disturbance in sleep for just one night can take its toll on our overall wellbeing. However, if suffered with over a period of time sleeplessness can lead to low mood and other mental health issues.

Causes of sleeplessness
 Low mood
 Mild anxiety
 Grief
 Relationship problems
 Hectic lifestyle
 External factors (noise, light, snoring, partner moving around)
 Jet lag
 Arthritis, headaches and back pain
 Menopause (hot flush)
 Gastrointestinal disorders
 Excess alcohol or caffeine consumption
 Side effects of some medication
 Sleep disorders

Symptoms of sleeplessness
 Tossing and turning for hours before falling sleep.
 Waking up several times in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep easily.
 Waking up extremely early in the morning (this is the least common type of sleeplessness)
 Difficulty concentrating during the day, forgetfulness and sloppiness at work.
 Feeling tired and not refreshed by sleep.
 Feeling irritable and burnt out.

Other ways to help
Cut down on the caffeine, alcohol and sugar you consume in your diet. If you really feel you need caffeine to get you through the day, avoid consuming it after 4:00 pm.

Eat foods that help with a natural night’s sleep, such as legumes and seeds, dark leafy green vegetables, wheat bran, almonds, cashews and whole grains. These foods are rich in sleep inducing tryptophan and/or magnesium.

Exercise frequently. Humans were born to move and not expending enough energy during the day can lead to a restless night. However, avoid exercising late at night as this can raise your adrenaline levels and worsen sleeplessness.


Sleep with the lights out in complete darkness. Studies show sleeping with lights may lead to depression and weight gain.

For more tips on getting a good night’s sleep
The particularity of homeopathy can be ascertained by the fact that there are various remedies for insomnia depending on different symptoms and the underlying cause:

  • Belladonna Sleeplessness due to congestion, restless sleep, spasmodic motions, frightful images upon closing the eyes and violent throbbing or pulsating in the brain. Belladonna is the acute of Calcarea carb, when children may have fears of monsters at night.
  • Chamomilla Commonly for children who cannot sleep due to teething pain or those who have sleep tormented by vivid, fanciful and anxious dreams.
  • Aconite Conditions where sleep eludes due to shock, grief, anxiety or restlessness after trauma.
  • Arsenicum Album Suited to conditions where the individual is sleepy during the day, but unable to sleep in the night, with desire for sips of water, restlessness and need for company.
  • Passiflora Incarnata in Tincture This flower, shown above, has a quieting effect on the nervous system. This remedy can be used when the patient lies awake till dawn and feels extremely exhausted. Helpful in a number of ages and groups like screaming irritable kids, alcoholics and old age persons. Passiflora chemicals provide sedative and tranquilizing effects. Ask your physician how to administer.
  • Coffea Cruda  Suitable for persons who are sleepless due to overactive nervous system and excessive joy, a rush of ideas and no sign of fatigue. They feel over excited and restless. They have unusual mental hyperactivity, and exhibit acute senses as occurs after having a cup of coffee. Sleep may be impossible for many days, despite feeling tired, due to a frustrating inability to switch off the mind. When person's who benefit from coffea cruda in homeopathic form do finally sleep, they wake up by the slightest noise. Another reason for insomnia in these patients may be an upcoming exam, some shocking or good news, or stress. Compare to other homeopathic remedies for anticipation, anxiety, shock, news or other stressors.
  • Gelsemium When mental stress, more than physical activity prevents sleep, these persons feel apprehensive about work. Students that feel nervous due to upcoming exams or a business person anxious before giving a presentation end up sleepless due to apprehension. Gelsemium will help them overcome their anticipation and help them sleep, plus do better on the exam or at their presentation. Don't forget this remedy before dental appointments. 
  • Arnica Useful for physical overwork and when the patient says the bed feels too hard and uncomfortable. This remedy is also useful for jet lag. 
  • Cocculus When people care for sick loved ones, stays up nursing others, has many worries and concerns about health this may result in sleeplessness when they wake every hour looking at the clock. Cocculus may help also when a person undergoes a time shift in their work schedule.
  • Lachesis Most notable for females approaching menopause, with concomitant of hot flushes at night, aggravation of complaints on sleeping and from heat, sensation of suffocation. Lachesis helps adjust hormonal swings and give a calm sleep. 
  • Nux Vomica For insomnia due to withdrawal effects of alcohol, coffee, sedatives, over eating, and over study. These workaholics wake up early in the morning and cannot sleep again. Lack of sleep makes this person angry and irritable while feeling sleepy in the early part of evening. 
  • Jalapa Tincture A remedy often used for children who are sleepless due to flatulent colic at night.
  • Chamomilla Another children's remedy for those who are sleepless due to teething, colic, anger and refuse to sleep calmly. They scream even when kindly spoken too. They are constantly moaning and have capriciousness. They are the most irritable kids. Chamomila will help them relax, and can also be useful for adults with extreme pains.
  • Avena sativa Tincture Another homeopathic sedative for alcoholics and most useful to help nourish nursing mothers.

Sent from my, 
Elena Cecchetto DCH, CCH, RSHom(NA),

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