Thursday, December 20, 2012

An integral approach to substance abuse.,Amodia DS, Cano C, Eliason MJ.

J Psychoactive Drugs. 2005 Dec;37(4):363-71.
An integral approach to substance abuse.
Amodia DS, Cano C, Eliason MJ.

State of California Office of Alcohol and Drug Programs, USA.
There is a pressing need in the substance abuse field for more comprehensive models of etiology and treatment that address the complex issues of addiction, including the biological, social, cultural, spiritual and developmental needs of individuals and groups. This article presents a theoretical framework for an integral approach to substance abuse that expands on the existing biopsychosocial model. One contribution of the model is an integrated approach to spirituality from a cross-cultural perspective. This integral approach examines substance abuse etiology and treatment from a four-quadrant perspective adapted from the work of Ken Wilber, and incorporates concepts from integrative medicine and transpersonal psychology/psychiatry. Implications of the model are explored.
PMID: 16480163 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Homeopath, Dr. Sunil Anand

Please come back and teach us some more!


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Mother and Baby conflict in medical system laws

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Friday, December 7, 2012

Research in Homeopathy list of publications

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

[Fwd: Google Alert - alternatives to vaccines]

News 1 new result for alternatives to vaccines
Vitamins May Be Alternative to HPV Vaccine
The human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine has been surrounded by controversy since it was first commercialized. This could be partly due to the fact that it has had no long term testing, is injected into female children, and there have been serious side ...
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Elena Cecchetto CCH, RSHom(NA)

Classical Homeopath

CEASE Therapist (Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression)



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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Official Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated study finally being done. Please read this and donate to the effort. – Suzanne Humphries, MD sent you an article.

Official Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated study finally being done. Please read this and donate to the effort. – Suzanne Humphries, MD

Parents say vaccines cause autism and autoimmune diseases and many other acute or chronic disease. The question is: is there any truth to this? How many kids have avoidable chronic illness as a result of vaccines? One way to find out would be to compare vaccinated children with unvaccinated children. The pro-vaccine say of such a study, “it can’t be done,” for various spurious reasons. But is...

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Friday, November 30, 2012

Homeopathic Practitioner Views of Changes in Patients Undergoing Constitutional Treatment for Chronic Disease

Homeopathic Practitioner Views of Changes in Patients Undergoing Constitutional Treatment for Chronic Disease
To cite this article:
Iris R. Bell, Mary Koithan, Margaret M. Gorman, and Carol M. Baldwin. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. February 2003, 9(1): 39-50. doi:10.1089/107555303321222937.

Published in Volume: 9 Issue 1: July 5, 2004

Iris R. Bell, MD, MD (H), PhD
Program in Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Mary Koithan, RN, PhD, APRN, BC
College of Nursing, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Margaret M. Gorman, BA, PA-C
Program in Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Carol M. Baldwin, RN, PhD, HNC
Arizona Respiratory Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Objectives: To identify areas that classical homeopathic practitioners would want to see evaluated in a patient self-report questionnaire sensitive to change during constitutional treatment.

Design: Open-ended, written practitioner questionnaire, analyzed using inductive content analysis.

Settings/Location: Two classical homeopathic meetings held in the western United States.

Subjects: Homeopathic practitioners attending the above professional meetings and volunteering to complete the questionnaire in response to announcements prior to sessions.

Data collection methods: Practitioners completed a demographic questionnaire and answered an open-ended question inquiring for changes about which to ask people undergoing classical homeopathic constitutional treatment.

Results: The categories that the 38 homeopaths identified included changes in: (1) emotions; (2) mentation; (3) specific physical functioning; (4) general physical changes; (5) perception of self; (6) relationships; (7) spirituality; (8) lifestyle; (9) energy; (10) dream content and tone; (11) well-being; (12) perceptions by others; (13) life relationships; (14) a sense of freedom or feeling less "stuck"; (15) sleep; (16) coping; (17) ability to adapt; (18) creativity; and (19) recall of past experiences. Sixteen percent (16%) of participants added more in-depth description of the nature of changes across categories (i.e., a rhythmical process of innovation and flux).

Conclusions: The findings are consistent with the systemic orientation of classical homeopathic philosophy to evaluate and treat the patient as a whole. Taken together, the results support the need for development of new, multidimensional outcome measures for clinical research in homeopathy beyond the disease-specific and health-related quality-of-life scales available from conventional medical research.


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Homeopathy in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Alternatives

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Homeopathy and Thyroid Disease

Bakski, presented on Nat Conf on Homeopathy and Drug Abuse, March 1990

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Postconcussive Syndrome

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Postconcussive Syndrome
Mild TBI constitutes 80% to 90% of TBI cases in the United States

~ 2.3 million cases in the United States

Multiple terms, definitions, and diagnostic criteria available for mild or minor traumatic brain injury

The American Congress of Rehabilitation (1995) has defined mild TBI as a traumatically induced physiologic disruption of brain function with at least one of four manifestations:

Any loss of consciousness (LOC)

Any loss of memory for events immediately before or after the injury

Any alteration in mental status at the time of the accident

Focal neurological deficits that may or may not be transient

Usually, mild TBI has negative radiological findings (CT/MRI)

The injury cannot exceed the following severity criteria:

LOC greater than 30 minutes

Posttraumatic amnesia (PTA) > 24 hours

Initial GCS ≤ 12 (13 to 15)

Signs and symptoms after mild TBI include:

Headache (most common)



Hearing loss

Blurred vision

Altered taste and smell

Sleep disturbances/insomnia


Sensory impairments

Attention and concentration deficits

Slowed mental processing (slowed reaction and information processing time)

Memory impairment (mostly recent memory)





Most mild TBI patients have a good recovery with symptoms clearing within the first few weeks or months postinjury (usually within 1 to 3 months)

In some patients the symptoms (previously mentioned) persist and are associated with social and vocational difficulties that appear to be out of proportion to the severity of the neurologic insult. This condition has been termed postconcussive syndrome (PCS)

In a recent study, 14 mild TBI patients with unusually persistent deficits evaluated with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) showed significant anterior mesial temporal (lobe) hypoperfusion and less striking dominant (left) orbitofrontal abnormalities

Memory and learning deficits have been associated with lesions at the hippocampus and related structures in the medial temporal lobes or with injuries to structures that control attention, concentration, and information processing in the frontal and temporal lobe

Pharmacologic intervention may be used including antidepressants and psychostimulants

Concussion/Sports Related Head Injuries

Classification of concussion is controversial

The most widely used grading systems for concussion/mild head injury are the Colorado and the Cantu guidelines

Table 2-14

Cantu and Colorado Head Injury Grading Systems.
Return to Play Guidelines

Return to play criteria have been similarly controversial

Colorado Medical Society and Cantu Guidelines are among the most widely used.

Table 2-15

Cantu's Guidelines for Return to Play after Concussion.
The American Academy of Neurology endorsed the Colorado Medical Society Guidelines for classification and management of concussion in sports in its Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee Practice Parameter published in Neurology, 1997.

Table 2-16

When to Return to Play—Colorado Medical Society Guidelines.
By agreement with the publisher, this book is accessible by the search feature, but cannot be browsed.

Copyright © 2004, Demos Medical Publishing, Inc.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

vaccine effects?

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

30 stunning facts they don't want you to know about Gardasil and HPV vaccines,,Learn more:

30 stunning facts they don't want you to know about Gardasil and HPV vaccines

(NaturalNews) Guarantees. Insurance. Promises. Concerns over safety, security, and health make most people apprehensive about the future on some level. Guarding against future unknowns has become a big part of the American economy. You can get a warranty on almost anything with a battery, take out insurance on many more things than your grandparents would have dreamed of, and the medical industry is working around the clock to develop new drugs and vaccines to 'protect' us from whatever trending epidemic is in the news.

One fairly recent, major medical controversy that seemed, strangely, to have no trending epidemic, is the HPV vaccine for cervical cancer. The blatant profit-mongering behind the development of the premiere vaccine, Gardasil, was transparent enough that it served to further inflame the ongoing vaccination controversies to a point that the media could no longer fail to report on it.

The politics and profits involved in the medical industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the media industry become more obvious and prevalent every day. Before taking any pharmaceutical product, you should take ownership of your own health. Conduct your own research on the ingredients and side-effects. Find out where your doctor gets his information. Many of them are paid to promote specific pharmaceutical products. Others simply get their information from sources they trust such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Still, others are told by their legal departments not to speak out.

Facts you probably don't know about HPV and Gardasil
In August, the Health Ranger interviewed neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D. on Dr. Blaylock shared some little known facts about the human papillomavirus (HPV) and the quick development of a vaccine to address it. Dr. Blaylock says the vaccine is "predicated on an absolute lie."

Some empowering facts you may not know about the human papillomavirus and Gardasil:

1. First, the basis is wrong. HPV by itself does not cause cervical cancer. Evidence shows it takes a combination, or co-infections - multiple viruses or virus/bacteria combinations to cause cervical cancer. Examples include Epstein Bar virus, HIV, and Chlamydia, along with HPV.

2. Birth control pills and other hormonal drugs also increase the risk of HPV.

3. It has never been proven that the HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer. There is no scientific evidence of any kind.

4. There are over 100 strains of HPV, only about 15 of which can contribute to cervical cancer.

5. HPV vaccines only include two to four strains, leaving you open to more than two-thirds of the dangerous strains. You will still need to get routine screenings for cervical cancer.

6. You don't change or reduce the incidence of cancer by receiving the vaccine. Studies show that the human immune system develops resistance to the strains given in the vaccine, allowing others to become predominant.

7. The CDC website states that the human body's immune system clears HPV within two years, 90 percent of the time (70 percent in one year). Without the vaccine.

8. One of the most powerful connections proven to increase the risk of cervical cancer is smoking. Women who smoke have 2.3 times higher incidence of the precancerous lesions that lead to cervical cancer.

9. Diet is key. A poor diet increases risk while a diet that includes high amounts of vitamin B12 and folic acid have a 79 percent reduction in HPV infections and cervical cancer. Vitamin C, curcumin, quercetin, and other flavonoids are powerful inhibitors against cervical cancer.

10. Dietary combinations have been proven to have far greater effect against HPV than any vaccine.

11. All the marketing assertions are false. It is one of the largest, most harmful medical hoaxes of our time.

12. Officially, the vaccine has been associated with approximately 100 deaths, and 500 have been left permanently disabled.

13. Those numbers are based on voluntary reporting, which historically means only two to ten percent of cases are represented. The vast majority of cases are never reported. So, conservatively, 5,000 young girls and women have been harmed by the vaccine.

14. Cervical cancer is one of the rarest cancers in the U. S., with 12,000 cases reported per year and 4,000 deaths.

15. The number of girls and women that experience serious complications from the vaccine meets or exceeds the number of deaths.

16. Side-effects include: Multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, blindness, pericarditis, coma, and death among many others.

17. The vaccine Gardasil was "fast tracked." This was illegal. The FDA requires new vaccines to undergo testing and a waiting period of 4 years. Gardasil was developed and on the market in 6 months, with FDA approval.

18. Texas governor Rick Perry tried to force all girls in Texas entering the sixth grade to receive the vaccine in 2007, despite the fact that the incubation period for HPV averages 20 years with the median age of sufferers being 48. He mandated it over the legislature's objections.

19. People thought they were required to receive the vaccine, but that too was untrue as it wasn't an actual law.

20. Perry received huge amounts of money from the manufacturer.

21. Perry's former chief of staff became a hired lobbyist for Merck, the maker of Gardasil in 2009, exposing the connection to the pharmaceutical giant, and the motivation for pushing the vaccine.

22. The Texas Legislature overturned Perry's executive order requiring girls to get the vaccine due to the huge backlash from the public. However, the precedent had been set, and other states and countries began to follow suit.

23. Pap smears alone prevent over 80 percent of cervical cancer. A yearly pap smear reduces your chance of getting cervical cancer to .002 percent.

24. HPV vaccines have been illegally administered to millions without informed consent as the risks are rarely disclosed.

25. What people don't know is that there are Informed Consent laws that are there to protect patients. They provide a legal strategy for people who have experienced vaccine damage.

26. Vaccine manufacturers do not want doctors to discuss and disclose the risks associated with vaccines because they don't want people to realize they can opt out. This has been documented in multiple medical journals. Yet it is illegal for doctors NOT to disclose the risks.

27. The vaccine was only tested on 21,000 girls and women before being pushed on millions of children, teens, and adults worldwide, according to the FDA website.

28. The FDA website has no mention that the vaccine was ever tested on males, yet the CDC says the vaccine is "recommended for all teen boys and men through age 21."

29. The Informed Consent laws also address questions about the efficacy of vaccines. Meaning you have a right to ask questions and receive answers about how well it works, why you should allow it to be administered, as well as the risks.

30. Vaccine manufacturers have gone to the legislature(s) to get a law passed that you cannot sue over vaccine complications. But, you can sue. (

After learning the ins and out of the underhanded and unethical practices involved in bringing this vaccine to market, people should wonder why and how medical professionals and legislators continue to go along with promoting it unquestioningly. If this were a financial situation, there would be enough evidence to bring charges against manufacturers, the legislators, and the CDC. The vaccine industry regularly operates in criminal practices. They violate marketing laws with false statements and exaggerated extrapolations/over simplification of the facts; they doctor their statistical numbers, and present their marketing as science. Gardasil was being tested before it was licensed. They have yet to offer a plausible explanation as to why girls aged 9-12 need a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease, much less one that only offers two years of "protection."

You have to question who is making the decisions to allow the shortcuts that have resulted in so many deaths and disabilities. Are these the same "powers that be" that are disseminating the information to your doctor that it is safe and recommended for your daughter?

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

24% of German kids Prescribed Homeopathic Medicines!

Elena Cecchetto CCH, RSHom(NA)

Classical Homeopath

CEASE Therapist (Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression)



Phone: (604) 568-4663

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

[Fwd: Journal from Homeopathy Without Borders - Haiti]

Webpage version Click Here


 Day 1 - from Karen Allen
Day 2 - Ruja Nothaft 
Day 3 - Rami Makkar 
Day 4 - Holly Manoogian 
Day 1, 6/24/12:
Coming from different parts of the country, our group of four gathers at gate 24 in the Miami airport for the flight to Port-au-Prince. The ninety minute flight ends with announcements in English and French, and we make our way through immigration. We are met by a representative from the guest house who is locating all of the scheduled guests, and we look through the piled bags and a sea of people to collect our luggage and supplies that we have brought for clinic. Once out of the airport, we run the friendly gauntlet of red-shirted men who all want to take our bags and drive us to our destination - we keep a firm grip on our bags, walk quickly following our escort and meet with the driver from the guest house to snug 7 of us into a small van with all our luggage....

The guest houses are interesting because there are so many projects people are working on, and they come from such diverse places. The one that hosts us is in the Delmas 19 area of Port-au-Prince, and boasts the luxury in our dorm-style room of an attached bathroom. The shower may be cold water and the bathroom shared with another attached room, but it is in the same building, and not down the hall!  Our fellow guests this time are involved in projects for water purification and building schools for children in rural areas.

After we are settled in, Holly calls an orientation/planning meeting, going over the schedule for the week, answering questions, and assigning tasks. Our volunteers from San Diego, Ruja Nothaft and Rami Makkar, will be inventorying the dispensary, adding in the newly donated remedies. Two days of class and 4 days of clinic in various locations lie ahead...   I am looking forward to seeing the students, hearing how they have been doing in their case work, and talking with the translator about happenings in Haiti...  Tomorrow we can expect to get an early start with the roosters before 6...

Day 2 in Haiti, Monday June 25th:

Last night following our fearless leaders, I slept at 9 pm. That is really unusual for me, but since I had been warned of the early roosters, I slept. Sure enough at 5 am the roosters woke us up. We feigned sleeping till 6 am. Then got ourselves ready for the first day of class.

After a wonderful breakfast in the kitchen with yummy spicy peanut butter and bread and eggs, we were picked up by our driver to head out to the school location. We got picked up inside the house compound, because the local driver and security guards really want us safe. Then we drove to school, through a street that has seen its better days. The ridges are so big that the van had to drive very slowly; the rocking was more like a rocking boat in a stormy sea.

At the school location slowly the students started rolling in. We set up the computer and the projector, but alas, there was no electricity. Oh well class must go on...

In class Karen asked the students if anyone had used their kits that they were given in April. And amazingly in a culture where class participation is minimal, hands started going up and students shared some of the cases they used their remedies for and the success they had. You could see the encouragement in their faces that these weird little pills work. Even one student had prescribed a remedy for a malaria case and had positive results, although they had not covered the pathology in class.

It was hot and dusty, but everyone hung in there and it was wonderful to see so many mostly young students engaged in healing their people.



Day 3 in Haiti


Everyone was ready before I even got up at 6:30, a very enthusiastic group! The breakfast bell rang and we all went to kitchen for Yummy Pancakes with Peanut butter & bananas, they made sure that we get some proteins and we decided to walk to the class today. It was a pleasant 15 min. walk.


Karen's class started with dosing instructions and potencies. Karen's excellent delivery made the concepts very clear and she moved on to acute therapeutics for leucorrhea, toothache & coughs based on the number of cases they saw in April at the clinics. Students from all walks of life like medical school, nursing school, teachers, pharmacist were in the class and it was a very interactive session with lot of student participation. Students were quizzed in the end on small cases and they did a very good job. They already are practicing with family, friends & patients as they were handed down the remedy kits to use and practice what they had learnt in the previous two sessions.


Evenings are cool with a lovely breeze blowing and we enjoyed eating food on the roof top. We will end the day after entering some clinical data students collected over the past few months. We begin to see patients tomorrow and looking forward to this challenging task.



Day 4 - Another Wonderful Day in Haiti. The day began with plenty of wonder - what clinic would be like..... Tony, the facility manager at the OPL center wondered if people would actually show up, Ruja and Rami wondered if their homeopathic skills would match the needs of the people of Haiti. We wondered if the student's participation from seminar, which had surpassed our expectations, would equal their clinical skills.




Arriving at the center just after 8:30 AM, we were greeted by early arriving students eager to get to work.   Within minutes the team was busy setting up the clinic - 3 stations for taking cases, the dispensary table and two waiting areas - one for adults and the other for children.   Just past 9:00AM we were off and running. By then the room must have had 40 people waiting to receive care. Each station with a homeopath, 2-3 students, a translator huddled around to listen to the needs of the client.



We all worked passionately until about 1:00 PM . A short break for lunch and a return to clients with the rhythm of a practiced team left me know doubt this was extraordinary. We finished our last cases just after 3PM and concongratulated our team as we wrapped up this successful day.  


How wonderful it was to work with Haitian student homeopaths as they offered homeopathic care to over 70 people. How wonderful for all of us to come together - some of us working as fast as we could, others waiting so patiently.







The mission of the Bay Area Homeopathy Association is to increase the public awareness and understanding  of Homeopathy as an integral part of personal health care.

BAHA puts homeopaths in touch with one another so that Homeopathy in the Bay Area continues to thrive,and so that more people learn of the great possibility that Homeopathy brings.
We strive to do this by providing networking and collaborative opportunities for professional homeopaths,and by publishing a directory of Bay Area homeopaths for the public, and a list of local homeopath mentors.

To be added to the directory, contact Kathleen Scheible.
To learn more about becoming a member, and to register, Click here


Kathleen Scheible
Bay Area Homeopathy Association

Bay Area Homeopathy Association | 133 Nevada Street | San Francisco | CA | 94110

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Raving for Homeopathy

George Christy Talks About Homeopathic Remedies, Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Clifford-Jones, Bob Litvak, Sly Stallone and More!

Download PDF

Odd.  Sometimes it takes someone from elsewhere to lead you to what you’ve missed in your own backyard.  As happened when a New York friend with the same health issue as we had suggested we visit a homeopathic pharmacy. Checking the Internet, she e-mailed us an address.   The Santa Monica Homeopathic Pharmacy at 7th Street and Broadway in Santa Monica.  A brief stroll from the Pier.

We asked why doctors pooh-pooh homeopathy, and she responded that it was her doctor who directed her to a homeopathic consultant, believing there would be help.   And there was.  “Never knock it,” she said, “until you have the experience.”

How right she was, and is.

Our curious nature stalked the Internet.  We discovered that Queen Elizabeth II and the royal family have practiced homeopathy with homeopathic doctors for three generations (the Queen Mum lived to 101).   Whenever she travels, the Queen’s massive luggage includes dozens of vials of homeopathic remedies.

We learned that homeopathy dates back as far back as the 19th century.  Today, it’s frequently referred to as “alternative medicine,” involving lifestyle changes, diet considerations, exercise and natural remedies.  A strong supporter has been the prolific author Dr. Andrew Weil.

After visiting the Santa Monica location, we were blown away with its history and diehard regulars.    First known as the Santa Monica Drug Store, the pharmacy was founded in 1944 by pharmacist Norman Litvak and wife Mary, whose parents immigrated from the Ukraine to Buffalo, New York.  “As our homeopathic remedy shelves increased,” says Norman’s son Bob Litvak, who owns the pharmacy with brother Don, “we found the dispensing of prescription drugs decreased.   Norman and Mary acknowledged that while prescription drugs are needed, some are prescribed unnecessarily.

“We’re proud to be a family pharmacy, and never charge for our consultations.   Don manages the business end, and I’m at the store, with Don’s son Steve, who departed a successful ownership of a restaurant to became one of our popular consultants for nigh on thirty years. Don’s daughter Debbie soon came aboard. Additionally, we’re proud that our visionary founder Norman was awarded an honorary degree by the acclaimed British Institute of Homeopathy in 1992.”

Among the pharmacy’s practitioners are Olympic gold and bronze medalists, MBA champs, NFL players, Miami Heat coach Pat Riley and wife Chris, nurses and doctors and pharmacists, acupuncturists and chiropractors, superstars from Fiona Apple to Angela Lansbury, Sly Stallone, Lee Ann Rhimes, Pierce Brosnan, Whoopi Goldberg, Robert Wagner, Jill St. John, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jackson Browne, Carl Weathers, Mark Harmon, Goldie Hawn, Randy Newman, Herb Alpert, Mel Gibson, Sally Field, Reba McIntire, Blythe Danner, Lauren Bacall, Neil Simon, chefs Rafael Lunetta of Giraffe and Border Grill’s Mary Sue Milliken.   Plus other notables and, of course, just us folks.

“Regulars fly in from Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia to buy our products and for continuing consultations with our nutritionists, herbalists, pharmacists Pam and Harlan.   All are certified and licensed by the State of California.  Surprising that for a small and local neighborhood pharmacy, we’re on the international circuit.”

“The United States today consumes 40 percent of all drugs produced in the world, yet ranks 42nd in life expectancy,” writes Dr. W. Clifford-Jones in his article in The Epoch Times titled “What I Learned Recently at Harvard Medical School.”   Dr. Clifford-Jones is a medical journalist with a private medical practice in Toronto. “North Americans have become conditioned by the billions spent by pharmaceutical companies into believing there is a prescription pill for every common ache and disease.  In effect, the public is being sold sickness night after night on TV screens, with disastrous results.

“How ill are North Americans?  Statistics show that the average person over the age of 55 is taking eight or more prescription drugs at any one time and that much of this medication is either questionable or harmful.”

Dr. Clifford-Jones continues:  “Another instance, 70 percent of patients with chronic headaches are actually suffering from drug-induced headaches.  Not many know that nonsteroidal drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, used for arthritis, can cause joint destruction … my Harvard classmates and I deplored the lack of preventive medicine for many chronic diseases …”

Bob Litvak agrees about America’s abusive use of painkillers through the decades.   “We believe that numerous prescription drugs are not only questionable, but many have accidental consequences.  Our goal is to detox.  We suggest natural homeopathic remedies.

“Anxiety problems, depression, allergies, sleep deprivation, hormonal issues are among the common confrontations.  Our qualified staff’s helpful with injuries, colds, flu, pink eye, problems ranging from chemotherapy to radiation.   We address the needs of pregnant and nursing mothers, month-old infants and nonagenarians who keep fit and live an active life.  Truth is that people have to want to get healed, and not blame parents for their problems.”


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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Homeopathy's Mystery: Not knowing how something works has nothing to do with whether it does.

Though we certainly must make determinations of what is and is not real, isn’t it best to do that based on experience and observation, rather than presumptions of what can and cannot be?
Homeopathy's Mystery: Not knowing how something works has nothing to do with whether it does.

Homeopathy's Mystery: Not knowing how something works has nothing to do with whether it does. Photo by Luc Viatour. Creative Commons license.

by Heidi Stevenson

One of the most common arguments against homeopathy says: It can’t work, therefore it doesn’t. Another throws out the challenge to explain how it works. Neither is a fair argument, since they do not care about evidence showing its efficacy, but only attempt to demean both homeopathy and the person who believes it works.

These same people do not place the same burden on their own belief in allopathy. Let’s pose that question to an anesthesiologist, Michael Alkire of the University of California School of Medicine, who is recognized as an expert in his field. Surely he knows the answer. His response is in a quote from the Encyclopedia of Consciousness:

    How anesthesia works has been a mystery since the discovery of anesthesia itself.

Do those who keep attacking homeopathy care that no one understands how anesthesia works, either? Oddly enough, that never seems to come up. Why do they hold homeopathy to a different standard? Not knowing the mechanism behind how something works is hardly a legitimate argument that it doesn’t.
Spiderweb by Mike Baird. Creative Commons license.

Do we understand how electricity works? Outside of observations of its effects, we do not. It is a subatomic phenomenon, and that field is in extreme flux right. In a world in which things do not exist unless they are observed, as postulated by modern physics—and not having the slightest idea how this can possibly be—we cannot possibly claim to know how electricity works. So, is it legitimate to suggest that electricity cannot work because it consists of particles that, quite impossibly, exist only when they’re observed?

The real world is a very complex and mysterious place. Though we certainly must make determinations of what is and is not real, isn’t it best to do that based on experience and observation, rather than presumptions of what can and cannot be?

Did the sun suddenly come into being the day we humans were finally able to theorize a means by which it shines?

Must we give up anesthesia because we have no idea how it works?

How can rational people make the claim that homeopathy doesn’t work simply because we don’t know how?

The argument that it can’t work, therefore it doesn’t, is based solely on the idea that no one knows how it works, so it’s simply a corollary of the demand that how homeopathy works be explained—not a different argument.
The Allopathic View

What is going on here? If homeopathy simply didn’t work, why would the allopathic world attack it so strongly? Other alternative approaches to healthcare are accepted, and some even encouraged. How many doctors advise their patients to pray? Where’s the explanation of how that works?

Homeopathy’s concepts and holistic view of people and the human body are entirely counter to the allopathic approach. It requires a complete rethinking of the nature of health and medical care. Is it not, therefore, only reasonable to test it on its own terms?

Most trials of homeopathy have been done as if the remedies were equivalent to allopathic drugs. That most assuredly is not the case. In homeopathy, one cannot apply a single remedy on the simple basis of a single symptom or diagnosis. Each case must be taken on an individual basis. The remedies that are effective in different people with the same diagnosis may not be the same, especially in chronic illnesses. In fact, they most likely won’t be.

Rather than viewing symptoms as the problem and trying to suppress them, homeopaths see them as attempts to heal. Until recently, allopaths treated fever as if it were the problem, so they routinely advised taking drugs to bring it down. The reality is that fever is one of the body’s primary means of trying to attack infections, by creating a heated environment in which microorganisms cannot survive. Even with this awareness, allopaths still often tell worried parents to give drugs to bring down fevers that are not high enough to be dangerous.

Allopaths view symptoms as if they were the disease. Thus, the usual goal of mainstream medicine’s treatments is to suppress them. The long term view is generally not taken. The connections that homeopaths see between common drugs and disease are ignored and denied, until the evidence can no longer be suppressed.
Allopathy’s Suppression of Homeopathy
Spiderweb by France House Hunt. Creative Commons license.

Allopathy applies its method of suppression to homeopathy. The approach seems to start with the view that the existence of homeopathy is a problem, rather than a symptom of a medical system that’s gone awry. Therefore, much as all other symptoms are treated, the method of dealing with homeopathy is an attempt to suppress it.

What does mainstream medicine fear from homeopathy? If it truly can’t work, then why try to suppress it? Won’t it simply fade away if it’s ineffective? Clearly, people must experience benefits, especially when homeopathic treatment generally requires money out of pocket, as it’s rarely covered by either insurance or national health plans.

Rather than denying the truth of stories by people who claim they’ve been healed by homeopathy—especially those whose conditions are considered untreatable or irreversible in the allopathic world—why not do large population studies, rather than placebo and randomly controlled trials? Though such trials are currently called the gold standard of science, they are far from the only technique available—and there is only the claim of their effectiveness behind them, not any proof.
Spiderweb by Erik Schepers. Creative Commons license.

The only conclusive test is experience, the results of large numbers of people over a long period of time. Within modern medicine’s allopathy, we have only to look at the disasters of the drug Vioxx, which killed tens of thousands, and hormone replacement therapy, which has proven to cause the very diseases it had been purported to prevent. In spite of legions of placebo and randomly controlled trials trotted out by modern healthcare, the truth is that those allopathic treatments have failed miserably. If anything is responsible for the unnecessary iatrogenic deaths of thousands and millions, it is the reliance on placebo and random controlled trials, the so-called gold standard of modern evidence-based medicine.

Those people who wish to demand that homeopathy be explained should first get their own house in order. Even if an explanation for how anesthesia works is discovered, it won’t resolve this issue. The fact will remain that those who have demanded an explanation for homeopathy do not make the same demands of their own medical paradigm—and that says it all.

The real issue for those people isn’t that homeopathy makes no sense to them. The real issue is that its very existence is perceived as a threat. It’s either a challenge to their perception of how the world works or it’s seen as a risk to their profession.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Who is Homeopathy Used by? Millions.

Your Holistic Team, ~Access~



Phone: (604) 568-4663




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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Quantum Physics and Homeopathy

Everyone's favorite genius, Albert Einstein once said, "the field is the sole governing agency of the particle." But, did you know that this idea is based in Quantum physics, and it totally violates the dogma of conventional medicine which is founded in Newtonian physics?

What Einstein was saying was that in the invisible world of fields and particles, it's the field that shapes matter, not the other way around. Yet, with conventional medicine, we take apart the visible, physical pieces, and we medicate.

The way your brain functions is that 95% of the time, your subconscious is running the show, and so by using this wonderfully powerful tool, EFT, you have the potential to heal in all areas of your life without being a victim of your genetics.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

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One of Vancouverʼs most desirable locations. Conveniently located near skytrain and next to bus stop on "The Drive" (on Commercial Drive near 1st Avenue). Waiting room with water cooler and tea area in entrance plus separate Reception area. High speed internet access. Features include a wall of windows facing Commercial Drive, Ecological & Health Conscious environment of Non toxic, no VOC paints.

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We are seeking a motivated clinician (best suited to RMT, TCM doctor or Acupuncturist etc...) who would like to practice from a natural health clinic. The clinic has a reception are plus separate waiting area with tea area and water cooler. Free wireless internet, utilities and debit/credit, photocopying and fax services are available.Some free parking a block away and a bus stop right in front.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

They type of Messages that WARM MY HEART...

Elena, It was a really hot weekend and everyone skiied and swam; except me, of course; the chicken.  I almost did not go because I had a sore mouth.  Took some arnica and I have not felt anything since.  That arnica is a miracle for me.  Thank you for giving me those magical pellets. I think I have a wisdom tooth that is pushing against my back molars. I hope that is all it is and not some rotten teeth. I have a dentist appointment in July. Take care.   Love,  Mom x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0

Thursday, May 3, 2012

TESTIMONIAL for Certified Homeopathic Practitioner, Elena Cecchetto

 TESTIMONIAL for Certified Homeopathic Practitioner, Elena Cecchetto (AKA 'EL')
When I first went to see El I was have excruciatingly painful periods with little to no blood flow. My hormones were all out of whack and I was feeling really run down and tired all the time. Within three weeks of receiving my first constitutional remedy I got my period and I was surprised by the changes right away; the cramps were far less intense and only lasted a day, on and off. I also noticed an improvement in the quality of sleep I was getting and overall, I just felt more able to handle my stress and move through emotional obstacles. During the following months I have continued to see improvements on several levels including a healthier flowing cycle and less painful cramping. I'm so glad I found Homeopathy and El! The results have been astounding and El has been amazing to work with. I feel genuinely cared for and heard when I visit with her and I believe this is the moment the healing begins! When El chooses a remedy for me I can trust that she has made a well thought out and careful decision. As they say, the proof is in the pudding and the results I've had have been astonishing, proof enough for both me and my partner. We plan to start a family later this year and we both feel more at ease about it knowing that we have El and Homeopathy on our side.

Rylie T. Lowry ~ Massage Practitioner

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pregnancy Easier with Homeopathy

Homeopathic Treatment can be a wonderful, fulfilling and quite a mystical journey. These words are often used to describe pregnancy. So, it makes sense that using Homeopathic Medicine during pregnancy is ideal. Your body is going through so many changes after you become pregnant. They are the types of changes that affect your whole being.

Hormonal shifts, morning sickness, nausea, fatigue, poor digestion, hemorrhoids, pelvic and back pain, varicose veins, and heartburn can all be helped with Homeopathy. Seeing a Homeopath during pregnancy can help create the type of pregnancy that resolves many lingering health concerns instead of potentially creating more of them in the future.

Even if all you are looking for is to ease the pain of delivery, Homeopathic Treatment is a good choice. To prepare your body to give birth, there is a series of nutritive Homeopathic remedies that I recommend to be taken during each trimester that help the specific tissues in the body to develop and support the development of your baby. These are commonly known as the Homeopathic Remedies called Tissue Salts.

I’ve formulated three separate combinations for each trimester to support what your body is working towards in each trimester. Some of the Tissue Salts that are included in my Pregnancy Protocol include the following:

• For bone development and elasticity of connective tissue (helping to prevent stretch marks), Calcarea Fluoraticum is the tissue salt to use. It also is helpful in preventing circulatory problems, hemorrhoids and varicose veins.

• For nerve and muscle development, which will reduce the chances of heartburn and cramps, use Magnesium Phosphoricum.

• To prevent a tendency towards anemia by increasing blood oxygenation, use Ferrum Phosphoricum.

• For supporting nerves and muscles (including the heart) and to help control fluid balance (swollen hands or ankles) preventing and high blood pressure (and putting on that extra weight), use Natrum Muriaticum.

• Silica (which is one of the most ubiquitous substances on earth and in our bodies) made into a Tissue Salt Homeopathic Remedy helps to build strong teeth, bones and hair of the fetus plus pubic bones and the supportive conjunctive tissues for your delivery.

If you are looking for emotional support and meaning within your journey towards motherhood, then seeing a Homeopath is a perfect choice for you. Emotions that rise up during pregnancy are important to consider. Homeopathy works great on this level because it is a very holistic medicine that works with your whole system to help you feel like you can respond appropriately with strength and balance.

If this is your first pregnancy, this may be one of the last times you have the opportunity to indulge in healing sessions focused on yourself. Seeing a Homeopath means that you spend quality time thinking about your emotional and physical health and tendencies. The process of the Homeopathic Consultation facilitates an understanding of yourself that help you to resolve old patterns or emotional tendencies and maintain your overall wellbeing. This is an exceptional way to enter your journey into motherhood.

By Elena Cecchetto CCH, RSHom(NA)
Certified Homeopath
Access Natural Healing

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Lisa Petrie Gilmore:
"Those people said everything I would say about our holistic healing family (Peter Dobias, Dean Smith, Julie Anne Lee & Elena Cecchetto) We are so very fortunate to have such caring and compassionate healers in our lives. We have seen the positive effects of homeopathy for our dog and as a result, now use homeopathy for our entire family!"

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Testimonial for Homeopath

I was in such turmoil about vaccinations and all the controversy around the topic when my son was born...and then I found a homeopathic immunization article in the newspaper and it felt like the way to go....we have never looked back, finding El was like, finding heaven, she has always been there for us, whether it be, immunizations, or an illness.  El is extremely knowledegable, honest, kind, warm and most of all, reliable in all aspects of what she does, she is definitely, in her realm.  We love her!  Keep doing what you love, El.


Sherry, & Josel....and Joel...:-) 

Elena Cecchetto 
Certified Homeopath